What are the types of qualitative in goahead?

Open questions offer a flexible approach to garner more personalized feedback. Here's a brief rundown of the four primary open question types available in goahead.

1. Short open questions

These allow participants to provide concise answers, typically a word or a short sentence. For example: "What's the first word that comes to your mind after viewing this logo?"

2. Yes or No

Direct and binary, these questions demand a straightforward "Yes" or "No" response. For example: "Would you be interested in learning more after seeing this billboard?"

3. Rating scale

Participants evaluate a statement or a product on a numerical scale. For example: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how trustworthy do you find our website?"

4. Multiple choice

A question followed by multiple possible answers, from which the participant can choose one or more options. For example, "Would you say our visual identity fits with our mission to improve the world?"

By diversifying the type of open questions in your survey, you can achieve a richer and more comprehensive understanding of your audience's perspective.

You can find our question templates written by pros here.