Crafting the right questions for your validation survey is crucial to obtaining actionable feedback. While framing questions might seem daunting, our compilation of expert-written questions aims to provide a solid foundation.
Whether you're evaluating a product or assessing brand notoriety, these questions will give you ideas of where to start for your own surveys.
Thinking about the ad overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
How believable is the ad?
How relevant is the ad to you?
How unique is the ad?
How different is the ad from existing ads?
How well does the ad communicate the main message?
If the product were available today, how likely would you be to
buy the product based on the ad?
In your own words, what is the main message of the ad?
Open text answer
What first comes to mind when you look at the logo?
Open text answer
Thinking about the design overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
How unique is the logo?
How much does the logo fit with the company?
How visible do you think the logo would be in [environment type]?
Thinking about the message, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
How unique is the message?
How believable is the message?
How different is the message from existing messages?
How much information does the message provide?
In your own words, what does this message mean?
Open text answer
What first comes to mind when you look at the name?
Open text answer
Thinking about the name overall, which of the following best describes your feelings about it?
How easy is it to pronounce the name?
How different is the name from existing names?
How unique is the name?
How relevant is the name to its [parent industry]?
How much does the name fit with the [company or brand]?
What is your first reaction to the product?
How innovative is the product?
When you think about the product, do you think of it as something you need or don’t need?
How would you rate the value for money of the product?
If the product were available today, how likely would you be to buy the product?
When was the last time you used this [product category]?
When you think of this product type, what brands come to mind?
Open text answer
Which of the following brands make you most happy?
Choices from your industry.
Considering [product category], which brands would you consider purchasing from in the next six months?
Open text answer
Use these expert suggestions as a launchpad, but don't shy away from tailoring them to fit your unique needs. Keep in mind, the goal is to spark genuine responses that guide your decision-making process.